Saturday 18 July 2015

The Single most important nutrient ( bar none) you can give your body to stay healthy and full of energy

The human body is composed of 75 percent water and 25 percent solid matter. To provide nourishment, eliminate waste and regulate all the functions in the body, we need water. Most modern societies, however, no longer stress the importance of drinking water as the most important “nutrient” among all nutrients. Entire population groups are substituting water with tea, coffee, alcohol and other manufactured beverages. Many people don’t realize that the natural thirst signal of the body is a sign that it requires pure, plain drinking water. Instead, they opt for other beverages in the belief that this would satisfy the body’s water requirements. This is a false belief..

Please read this detailed article on dehydration by Andreas Moritz

Water - Making your tap into 'Super Water' strong and healthy 
You probably already know that most tap water generally contains all sorts of toxic stuff you would rather not drink. Heavy metals like lead, mercury and asbestos plus contaminant chemicals like fertiliser, growth hormones and antibiotics. Our tap water can contain 72+ chemicals. The most damaging is Chlorine which has been shown to cause 20% of all bladder, gut and anal cancers, where I live we have one of the highest levels of chlorinated water in the UK. 

It is vitally important to take control of your water management . !!

I used a TDS device to measure the 'total dissolved solids' in my water. 

Here are the results , water straight from the tap in Reading , Berkshire. Wow that is way too high !!

Here are the guidelines from the environment protection agency to maximum levels of contaminates that you should find in your water .. 

TDS Graph

Detailed below are the test results following my tap water going through the distilling unit .. that's better :)

here is a picture of the toxic gunk left in the container post distilling of tap water and it smells far worse than it looks . yuk 

Please click on the link below, a video review of the distilling unit I have used for the past 4 years,

After the water has been cleared of all toxins and pretty much everything else your water will be quite acidic and will not taste particularly pleasant until that is you add back in the 'good guys '.  Please see below , your water will then taste wonderful and be super healthy. ( I can supply this if you need it)

For two years now I have used what I regard as the best water filter available which removes 99.9% of the contaminants found in your tap water. It costs around £150 is easy to use and makes 4 litres of pure water on auto pilot.

Please see the suppliers article and video via the link below.
 Water Filter  

5a) Ionic Trace Minerals
It's then important to add back in the good guys to your water so I add back in 'ionic trace minerals' . There are 92 known elements, 22 hypothesised others, and hundreds of isotopic variations. Scientists are only now beginning to discover the effects on our immune systems, such as how minerals help maintain a healthy balance, and what adverse effects are created by a mineral imbalance. Experts estimate that 90 percent of the population suffer from mineral imbalance and deficiency.

Trace Mineral Drops are essential for body mineral balance because we're not getting the minerals we need from the foods we eat. This is due to rampant soil depletion, pollution, diets full of refined and processed foods, etc. 

This video explains the need for taking a trace mineral supplement. 

Trace Minerals Video

The absorption of minerals primarily takes place within the small intestines. As food matter passes through the intestines, minerals transfer into the blood stream through the walls of the intestines by way of the villi. This can only happen if the minerals are in an ionic form.

For over 35 years, Trace Minerals Research has been dedicated to combating the growing problem of mineral deficiency and imbalance by harvesting the health-promoting ionic minerals .. I can supply the product below just contact me if you need this , all you do is add a quarter teaspoon to each litre of water

40,000 volts - Ionic Trace Mineral Drops

5b) Creating Structured / Living Water
The great Austrian science pioneer discovered that our cells communicate and energise with water, however the water has to be 'living water' created by vortex movement in order to have sufficient energy ( much like water running in a stream). Water from the tap especially chlorinated water is what they call 'dead water' . Steps 5 ad 5a above will ensure your water has all the damaging chemicals removed and the necessary minerals added in . The living vortex jug will ensure your water is fully energised as nature intended.

I use the living vortex jug which costs £75  ( link below)

Living Vortex Jug

Suggested Reading / Watching:

Living Water

Extraordinary Nature Water - Victor Schauberger